Bidding Resources
AICP works tirelessly to create best practices and resources for its members to aid in building their businesses. The AICP Bid Form in the leading example.
The original AICP Bid Form was introduced by AICP in 1975 as a way to standardize bidding on commercials. It was created in response to the widespread confusion caused by agencies and advertisers using a range of promulgated forms production companies to estimate costs for commercial productions. The AICP Bid Form revolutionized the industry and became the de facto standard on which commercial production has been based since. It is newly revised to encompass updates in industry practice, and can be accessed below, along with a series of how-to-use videos.
In addition to the Bid Form, AICP crafted Bidding Guidelines so that members are able to provide services in a straightforward manner to agencies representing advertisers. The Guidelines are found below, and are designed for informational purposes to alert members to issues to consider, and are intended to provide suggestions on best practices that should benefit all interests involved, including guidance for a competitive and transparent bidding arena that is intended to operate within the confines of U.S. law.
If you have any questions regarding the Bid Form or other materials in this section, please email
AICP Suggested Best Practices - Bidding
New AICP Bid Form
AICP Bid Form - Excel Version (macro) - Updated January 2023
AICP Bid Form - PDF Version
Sample Statement for Bids - Updated
See also: The Bidding sections of the AICP National Guidelines - Digital and the AICP National Guidelines - Live Action (located in those tabs on the National Guidelines page) for more information.
1) Set Up: Choosing Sections
2) Settings: Fringes, Mark Up, Fees, etc.
3) Usage: The New Section P