Kelly McGuckin

Kelly McGuckin

FCB Chicago

Creative Director

Kelly is an accomplished Creative Director at FCB Chicago with a career spanning 15
years in the industry. She has impacted brands like Chevrolet, Manchester United,
Citibank, Kleenex, Cottonelle, Kaiser Permanente and Oikos. Her work has been
recognized at Cannes, The One Show, D&AD, AICP, ADC, Clio, The Andys and the
Effies. Kelly's expertise lies in giving brands a distinct voice and visual identity that
resonates on a deeply human level. As a strategically-minded creative, her work propels brands to the forefront of consumer minds while consistently exceeding business expectations.

Hailing from her hometown in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Kelly has spent time in various
creative hubs, having worked in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit. Her most recent project, "The Banned Book Club” was recognized by President Obama and exemplifies her commitment to championing intellectual freedom while safeguarding everyone's right to read. She is a passionate advocate for creativity with a cause.

Outside the office, Kelly finds joy in hitting the slopes, trail walks with her pup,
indulging in horror movies and cherishing quality time with friends and family.