Registration Options

2024 AICP Awards in Chicago Tickets:

Pre-Sale Price (prior to 11/3/2024): $200
Regular Ticket Price (on or after 11/3): $225


The following Sponsorship Packages are also available for purchase through our online store*:
*Note: All Sponsorship Packages finalzed prior to September 27th will receive 2 bonus tickets in addition to the amounts listed below.

Supporter Level $1,200: Shared on-screen credit in sponsor reel, AICP Midwest program credit, included on AICP posters and signage at the event + 3 tickets to the event and screening

Sponsor Level $2,500: Supporter Level, plus a social media shout-out + 8 tickets to the event and screening

Benefactor Level $3,500: Sponsor Level, plus on-screen credit under "Benefactor" + 12 tickets to the event and screening

Patron Level $5,000: Benefactor Level, plus on-screen credit under "Patron" + 18 tickets to the event and screening

Producer's Circle $7,500: Patron Level, plus on-screen credit under "Producer's Circle" + 25 tickets to the event and screening

Executive Producer's Circle $15,000: Producer's Circle Level, plus Logo displayed on all AICP Awards in Chicago Tickets, and on-screen credit under "Executive Producer's Circle" + 50 tickets to the event and screening

Register a Sponsorship/Purchase Tickets