Ralph Laucella

Ralph Laucella
O Positive
Founding Partner/Executive Producer
2024 AICP Show Chairperson
Ralph Laucella is a Founding Partner/Executive Producer of O Positive, one of the world’s top commercial
production companies. Since the shop’s inception in 2007, he has been an instrumental part of its leadership and
success. In 2020, O Positive was honored by Cannes Lions with a No. 3 Palme D’Or ranking by the Lions Creativity Report of the Decade and that same year was named AICP’s Most Awarded Production Company for its three shows. Each year since its inception, O Positive has consistently been featured in the AdAge/Creativity Production Company A-List.
Ralph has produced hundreds of commercials, working closely with a long list of celebrities and influencers along
with all major sports franchises. He worked for two decades on ESPN’s iconic award-winning This Is Sports Center
campaign. Ralph held the post of AICP Chairman from 2016 - 2018, representing the interests of U.S. companies
that specialize in commercial production, and currently serves on the AICP National Board. Ralph is a member of
the Television Academy’s Executive Committee for Commercials Peer Group for the Emmys. He is also a trustee on the DGA CQL (Commercial Qualifications List) committee and was a 2017 and 2020 juror for the Ciclope Festival.